Veteran Actress Rachel Oniga Clock 64 Years Today (video)

Veteran Actress Rachel Oniga Clock 64 Years Today (video)


Nollywood actress, Rachel Oniga, has celebrated and given glory to God as she celebrates her 64th birthday today.

The Delta-born star expressed her gratitude in a post she shared on Instagram on Sunday.

Happy birthday to me. The Lord has been faithful to me and my family. #thankful #grateful #birthday #nollywood #grace

Rachel was born on May 23, 1957 in Ebutte Metta, Lagos.

Her other acting credits include Sango (1997), Doctor Bello (2013), 30 Days in Atlanta (2014) and

Power of 1 (2018).

She has received several awards including the 2017 City People Movie Lifetime Achievement Award.

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